
I’m a Doctor working as an Anesthetist at the Provincial General Hospital of Badulla. (Sri Lanka). In the past, I worked at the Medical, Surgical & Transplant Surgery units of the National Hospital of Sri Lanka. 

I do script writing, Illustrations & Animations for Tiny Medicine.


I’m a professional Animator & a big science enthusiast. I have worked as a freelance Animator for more than five years. I’m using my skills and experience as a designer to create entertaining educational content about various medical conditions.

I am the lead Animator & Illustrator for Tiny Medicine.

Edutainment is our niche.

We make Animations about Interesting Medical Cases.


We make YouTube animations that are both accurate & Entertaining.


Each week, Our contributors and Editors write about Interesting Medical Cases. The format is like a Case Discussion.


Our free weekly newsletter is full of illustrations. Learn about interesting medical cases by signing up today.