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The Curious Case of Trigeminal Neuralgia; Most excruciating pain one could experience

trigeminal neuralgia

Sometimes patients walk in complaining about their jaws and teeth aching, but after examinations, they realize it’s not dental pain. Actually, it has nothing to do with dental care in the first place. Trigeminal Neuralgia shows similar symptoms to dental pain or TMJ disorders (temporomandibular/jaw disorders) but as the name suggests, this condition is related […]

Female Genital Tuberculosis (FGTB)- Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments

female genital tb-01

Introducing a real-life case which has turned out to be a major public health problem taking over the lives of young women. We will start with a Clinical case of Female Genital Tuberculosis (FGTB) & discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, complications, & treatments. Clinical case scenario: Imagine a 31-year-old female patient presents to you with a […]

Ovarian Cysts: Harmless or a medical emergency?

ovarian cysts

Ovarian Cysts: the two words sound scary, don’t they? Ovarian Cysts aren’t always as terrifying as they sound, most are common and harmless. However, much like Mrs. Alice, you’ll find out today that this isn’t always the case. Mrs. Alice stumbled into the Accident and Emergency Unit of the hospital, experiencing severe and unbearable abdominal […]

Brugada Syndrome: Clinical Case Discussion

brugada syndrome

Case Presentation A 25 years old Japanese man presented to the hospital with chest discomfort, palpitations & faintishness. His father had died in sleep from a sudden unexplained cardiac arrest. He was rushed to the nearest hospital, where an urgent ECG was taken. There were ST-segment elevations followed up by T inversions in the leads V1 […]

A case of Diabetic Ketoacidosis(DKA): Symptoms, Diagnosis & Management

Mangement of DKA

Every Doctor has regrettable memories about some patients whom they weren’t able to save. For similar reasons, Diabetic Ketoacidosis or DKA is a medical emergency that I never take lightly. This is the story of a 17 years old girl with Diabetic Keto Acidosis. This is how we were able to save her after an […]

Understanding Insulin and Diabetes


What is insulin, and what are its main functions? Insulin is a hormone secreted by our pancreas. The pancreas is an organ located behind the stomach. There are clusters of cells in the pancreas called “islets”, which produce insulin in the necessary amounts. (Felman, 2018) There are several functions of insulin in the body: Controls […]

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

alice in wonderland syndrome

In the famous 19th-century novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice’s size change constantly. The world around her is sometimes too small and other times too enormous. There’s a neuropsychiatric disorder named Alice in Wonderland Syndrome which can give rise to similar experiences. Read this article to know more. Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, and Skin are our […]

Simplified: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


This is Jake. His class teacher noticed that Jake performs poorly in exams. He often forgets his personal belongings, and he couldn’t sit still in classes. But this news was a surprise for his mother because Jake was a calm kid at home. Is Jake having Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD? To find […]